HT2. How do you attract and get older women?

For most older women, your youth is a plus. Some things you may have to work on are these:

Be interesting! If there’s too much of a cultural gap, such as different music, films, hobbies or just life experience, try to catch up with them somewhat. Find out what things interest them and learn more, so your conversation is intriguing. Listen to some classical music and jazz, so you can invite them to a concert.
If the woman is young-at-heart, however, feel free to ask her to a rock concert.

Be well-groomed. Older women generally don’t want weird clothing on a guy or strange beards and hairstyles. They want someone classy and elegant. Maybe invest in a good suit and some good casual wear. If she runs into friend with you, she will want to feel proud to be with you!

Good manners! Learn how to greet a lady. Don’t be afraid to flirt but don’t be gross or say things that are overtly sexual. Definitely don’t grab! Also, at the table, eat with your mouth closed, don’t belch or slurp.

Be considerate. Offer to drive her home or walk her there if possible. Open a door for her! Women may say they don’t like it but…they usually do. On the first date, don’t kiss her lips unless she goes for it. Compliment her clothes, hair and looks in general. LISTEN to her.

If you do go to bed, make sure to ask about birth control. Older women aren’t as embarrassed about this as younger ones. You should always have condoms! Even if she is on the Pill—remember to use safe sex. Don’t rush things, like suddenly diving on the bed and saying “Let’s go!” If she wants to take a bath first with you, try it! Younger guys also “finish” fast, so take your time and enjoy it. If she doesn’t finish, then make sure she does, even if you aren’t “up” to it.
When the night is over, don’t just leave (unless she says to). Cuddle, if she’s into it. If she’s at your house, offer to give her a drink or something to eat. If its’ an overnight, make her breakfast—few things impress a woman more than a man who can cook! At the very least, let her know how much fun you had and if you want to see her again, say so.

By all means, call her afterward. Don’t text! What the heck…send some flowers if you can!

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