Bull was chained up his whole life – now watch when this animal hero cuts the lock

Whether it’s a dog, a cat, a hamster, or a cow, one thing is clear: it’s never okay to neglect animals.

A bull named Bandit lived his whole life in chains. He wasn’t allowed to step foot outdoors and he never got to taste fresh green grass. Instead, he spent both days and nights standing in a narrow cage and he had probably resigned himself to this fate.

Luckily, an animal lover named Christan got word of Bandit’s situation. He immediately started planning to save Bandit and his friends from their crowded barn…

Did you know that cattle and dairy cows are really sensitive animals?
In 2014, Daniel Weary, a professor in the Animal Welfare Program at the University of British Columbia in Canada, showed that cows’ brains can be permanently reshaped as a result of early life trauma.

Daily Mail explained, “The cows he studied were deeply affected by the emotional and physical pain of early separation from their mothers and dehorning, which changed the brain in a way that led to a negative cognitive bias akin to pessimism.”

The first time Christian visited Bandit, he went up to him and gently let the bull know that he wasn’t there to harm him.

And in the video below, it’s obvious that Bandit had never felt love from a human before. But after a while, he realized that Christian was just there to help.

When he enters, Bandit immediately meets Christian’s eyes and starts to softly lick his hand. He couldn’t just walk away, so he decides to take the bull with him.

Watch the video below to see Bandit’s emotional reaction when Christian unchains him and gives him a second chance in life..

Bandit’s “freedom dance” really moved me to tears. How wonderful to see this beautiful animal experience freedom!

Wonderfully, the Austrian animal rights organization Gut Aiderbichl, where Christian works as a volunteer, announced that all of the animals in the video were rescued and brought to one of its many shelters. Isn’t that awesome?

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