Suspicious Wife Got into a Cab and Offered Whatever Price for Following the Car Ahead

Jason and I have been together for ages, but I never thought he could hurt me that much…

While we were having dinner one day, his phone buzzed. Nervous as heck, he mentioned it’s work and he had to rush to the office. But it wasn’t the first time, you know? I mean, his secretary told me they didn’t have late nights. Something felt so damn off!

So, on a hunch, I jumped into a cab and asked the driver to tail Jason. Guess where he stopped? Our favorite restaurant! And out comes this young blonde woman from his car! My heart just dropped. Gathering myself, I decided to see what they were up to and went in. God, what I saw there was even worse than expected – it was an intimate dinner date, complete with candlelight and hand-holding.

I felt like I was going to be sick, but I needed answers. I walked up to their table, my heart pounding in my chest. “Jason,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “What’s going on here?”

He looked up, his face paling as he saw me. The blonde woman looked equally shocked and confused. “Anna, this isn’t what it looks like,” Jason stammered.

“Really?” I said, my voice rising. “Because it looks like you’re on a romantic date with someone else while I’m at home thinking you’re working late!”

The woman stood up, glancing between us. “Jason, you told me you were single!” she exclaimed.

I turned to her, anger bubbling up inside me. “And who exactly are you?” I demanded.

She looked embarrassed, her cheeks flushing. “I’m Laura. Jason and I have been seeing each other for a few months now. He said he was separated from his wife.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. All the pieces started to fall into place. Jason had been lying to both of us. I felt a mix of betrayal and rage. “Separated?” I spat. “We’ve been living together and planning our future, Jason!”

Jason’s face crumpled. “Anna, please. I can explain.”

But I wasn’t interested in explanations anymore. I turned to Laura. “I’m sorry you got caught up in this,” I said, my voice softer. “But you deserve to know the truth. Jason has been lying to both of us.”

Laura nodded, looking hurt and angry. “I can’t believe I trusted you,” she said to Jason, before storming out of the restaurant.

I took a deep breath, turning back to Jason. “I thought I knew you,” I said quietly. “But clearly, I was wrong. We’re done, Jason. Don’t come home.”

Without waiting for his response, I walked out of the restaurant, my mind racing. I had so many emotions swirling inside me, but one thing was clear: I deserved better than a man who would lie and cheat.

That night, I packed my bags and stayed with a friend. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made, but I knew I needed to start over. Jason’s betrayal had shattered my trust, but I wouldn’t let it break me. I was stronger than that. And as painful as it was, I knew that walking away was the first step toward healing.

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