Body Acne: 10 Tips To Get Rid Of Them

Body acne is an issue for many people. Research shows that 9.4% of people in the world have acne. It is common to have them, but some people can lose confidence because of their appearance.I want to say to anybody having : “EMBRACE YOURSELF. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND ACNE IS JUST A CONDITION! NOTHING ELSE.” acne

1. Don’t let the sweat dry out on your skin! Take a shower!While exercising and keeping up with your body’s health routine, sweat is produced in larger amounts. Try not to let it dry out on your skin, but take a shower ASAP after you finish your workout.
2. Exfoliate!Exfoliating scrubs should be part of your skincare routine. It can clean your skin from sweat, dirt, and anything that clogs your pores, alongside removing dead skin cells.
3. Wear breathable outfitsSome fabrics and tight clothes might irritate your skin. Try to wear breathable outfits to be more comfortable and avoid skin problems.
4. Hair off your back!Long hair can add dirt to your back . Try to keep it on the side, off your back, to avoid painful acne appearing.
5. Choose your skincare products carefully.Be careful with your skincare products. Look at the ingredients and go for acre-prone skin products. Salicyclic acid, tea tree oil , and white willow bark products can reduce acne.
6. Stay hydrated!also helps in supporting immune function, which flushes out bacteria that causes acne.
7. Add anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant foods to your diet.Adding anti-inflammatory foods to your diet reduces acne appearance. Berries, whole grains, beans, certain nuts, and a whole list of foods help in this mission.
8. Do not pop the zits!Try to resist touching or popping the zits. It can lead to scars or even infections. If it itches too much, see a dermatologist and get a topical spray for faster healing.
9. Use non-comedogenic SPF.– We get vitamin D from the sun. However, we must use SPF to protect our skin from UV light. Especially acne-prone skin should use non-comedogenic SPF , which does not clog the pores.
10. Include zinc and low-GI foods in your diet.– Research suggests that foods rich in zinc can reduce acne inflammation. It also balances the skin barrier. Spinach, oysters, pumpkin seeds, and wheat germ contain a lot of zinc. Also, low glycemic index ( GI ) foods such as veggies and fruits can reduce acne.

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